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University Academic Affairs

Working Group for Standard VI: Planning, Resources, and Institutional Improvement

The members of the Working Group for Standard VI: Planning, Resources, and Institutional Improvement focus on how Rutgers’ planning processes, resources, and structures are aligned with each other and are sufficient to fulfill our mission and goals. Additionally, they will review how we continuously assess and improve our programs and services, to respond effectively to opportunities and challenges.


Regina Koury
Associate University Librarian, Rutgers University–Camden

J. Michael Gower
Executive Vice President - Chief Financial Officer & University Treasurer

Committee Members

Kyle Aaronson
Associate Vice Chancellor of Finance, Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences

Arcelio Aponte
Senior Vice Chancellor for Administration and Economic Development, Rutgers University–Newark

Charles Collick
Rutgers University–New Brunswick Staff Senator

Jason DiPaolo
Assistant Vice Chancellor for Finance, Rutgers University–New Brunswick

Ellen Law
Vice President, Office of Information Technology

Philip Paladino
Assistant Vice President for Academic Planning, University Academic Affairs

Brent Ruben
Advisor for Strategy and Planning, University Academic Affairs; and Distinguished Professor, School of Communication and Information

David Schulz
Vice President for Planning, Development, and Design; Institutional Planning and Operations

Brian Schilling
Director of Rutgers Cooperative Extension, School of Environmental and Biological Sciences