Working Group for Standard II: Ethics and Integrity
The members of the Working Group for Standard II: Ethics and Integrity focus on how ethics and integrity are central, indispensable, and defining hallmarks of Rutgers University, and that in all activities, whether internal or external, we are faithful to our mission, honor our contracts and commitments, adhere to our policies, and represent the university truthfully.
Rachael Honig
Vice President, Chief University Compliance Officer
Meredith Mullane
Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences
Committee Members
Kaamilyah Abdullah-Span
Ombudsperson, Rutgers University–New Brunswick
Francis Barchi
Associate Professor, Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy
David Cohen
Vice President for University Labor Relations and Special Counsel for Labor Affairs
Nicole Coutinho
Associate Director, Financial Aid
Perry Dane
Rutgers Law School in Camden Faculty Senator
Carolyn Dellatore
Assistant Vice President of Workplace Culture, University Human Resources
Elizabeth Minott
Senior Associate General Counsel
Rebeccah Newman
Associate Vice President for Administration, University Academic Affairs
Elizabeth (Betsy) Rowe
Associate Dean for Instructional Programs, Services, and Outreach; School of Arts and Sciences–Newark
Jeanne Weber
Senior Director of Marketing Communications, University Communications and Marketing
Nathaniel Wright
Associate Professor of Public Policy and Administration, Camden College of Arts and Sciences
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