Cooperative Academic Programs
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, is required by federal regulation to provide a published and accessible list of institutions with which the university has established a transfer or articulation agreement. Our compliance with this regulation is verified by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education as part of the accreditation process. This page provides the information on the various structures of these agreements, and the respective partnerships within each of our academic units, and associated transfer programs.
Transfer Programs
New Jersey Comprehensive State-Wide Transfer Agreement
The New Jersey Comprehensive State-Wide Transfer Agreement assists students in transferring courses from New Jersey's 19 community colleges to the 25 participating four-year institutions in the state, including Rutgers University. Further information on the transfer process can be accessed at the NJ Transfer website.
New Jersey Statewide Reverse Transfer Agreement
In July 2017, the New Jersey State Legislature passed a bill on reverse transfer. Specifically, the legislation applies to students who transferred to a four-year New Jersey institution of higher education from a New Jersey Community College before completing their Associate degrees. It allows students meeting certain criteria to transfer credits earned at the four-year institution back to their former community college in order to satisfy the requirements to earn an Associate degree. The details are spelled out in the Statewide Reverse Transfer Agreement.
Rutgers transfer students who are eligible and interested in participating will need to submit a formal request to have their academic records sent. Please understand that once you confirm that you would like to participate, you will authorize Rutgers University to send your transcript to the appropriate community college in accordance with FERPA regulations. Once your transcript has been sent, any status updates that you desire will need to be directed to your community college. Note that upon receipt of your Associate degree, your status at Rutgers University, as it pertains to the New Jersey Statewide Transfer Agreement, will not change, i.e., your general education and major requirements for Rutgers degree completion will continue to follow those resulting from your original transcript evaluation conducted at the time of your initial transfer.
If you would like more information about this program, please contact Les Cole, Rutgers University Recorder, at universityreg@registrar.rutgers.edu, or call 848-445-2620.

Academic Program Agreements
The following is a list of Joint Degrees/Certificates, Dual Degrees/Certificates, International Double Degree Programs, and Transfer and Articulation Agreements between Rutgers University academic units and other educational institutions. Learn more about the types of cooperative academic programs that are available.
* Administered through the Division of Continuing Studies
- New Jersey Comprehensive State-Wide Transfer Agreement (defines the terms of New Jersey community college students’ transfer to New Jersey four-year colleges and universities)
- Rutgers University Dual Degree Program (DDP), an admissions agreement with New Jersey’s 19 community colleges
Camden County College, Blackwood, NJ, Dual Degree Agreement for an Associate’s degree from Camden County College and a Bachelor’s degree from Rutgers University–Camden.
- Atlantic Cape Community College, Mays Landing, NJ, Articulation Agreement for transfer with an AAS in Paralegal Studies into CCAS BA in Political Science program.
- Atlantic Cape Community College, Mays Landing, NJ, Conditional Acceptance Agreement for transfer with an AA or AS degree into CCAS.
- Brookdale Community College, Lincroft, NJ, Articulation Agreement for transfer with AAS in Paralegal Studies into CCAS BA in Political Science program.
- Camden County College, Blackwood, Camden, and Cherry Hill, NJ, Articulation Agreement for transfer with an AA in Liberal Arts and Science: Law, Government & Politics Option; or an AAS in Paralegal Studies into CCAS BA in Political Science program.
- Community College of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA, Dual Admission and Core-To-Core Transfer Agreement for various majors.
- Vidyalankar Dnyanapeeth Trust's Vidyalankar School of Information Technology, Mumbai, India, MOA - Student Transfer Agreement, 2 + 2, BS in Computer Science and optional 2 + 3 BS/MS in Computer Science.
- Students from Brookdale Community College, Lincroft, NJ, majoring in Public Health can transfer into the school with full credit.
- Students from the County College of Morris, Randolph, NJ, majoring in Health Administration, Public Health, Public Policy, and Urban Planning and Design can transfer into the school with full credit.
- Students from Mercer County Community College, West Windsor, NJ, majoring in Health Administration, Planning and Public Policy, Public Health, Public Policy, and Urban Planning and Design can transfer into the school with full credit.
- Students from Raritan Valley Community College, Branchburg, NJ, majoring in Health Administration, Public Health, Public Policy, and Urban Planning and Design can transfer into the school with full credit.
- Atlantic Cape Community College*, Mays Landing, NJ, degree completion program, BS in Public Health, Public Policy, Planning and Public Policy, and Urban Planning and Design.
- Brookdale Community College*, Lincroft, NJ, degree completion program, BS in Public Health.
- New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, NJ, Dual Master of City and Regional Planning and Master in Infrastructure Planning degree program (MCRP/MIP).
- Korea Development Institute, School of Public Policy and Management, Seoul, South Korea, students are accepted into the Master of City and Regional Studies (MCRS) degree program or into the Master of Public Affairs and Politics (MPAP) degree in public policy.
- South China University of Technology, Sino-America Innovation College, International Office (SCUT), Guangzhou, People’s Republic of China, Student Transfer Agreement, 2 + 2 Program, BS in Public Policy, Double Degree Program.
- Montclair State University, Upper Montclair, NJ, Articulation Agreement for Dual Degree program, BS from Montclair State University, and PharmD from Rutgers University.
- St. Peter’s College, Jersey City, NJ, Articulation Agreement for Dual Degree program, BS from St. Peter’s College, and PharmD from Rutgers University.
- The Richard Stockton College of New Jersey, Pomona, NJ, Articulation Agreement for Dual Degree program, BS from Stockton College, and PharmD from Rutgers University.
No current Cooperative Academic Program or Transfer/Articulation Agreements on record.
No current Cooperative Academic Program or Transfer/Articulation Agreements on record.
No current Cooperative Academic Program or Transfer/Articulation Agreements on record.
New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, NJ, Joint degrees are offered in the following areas: MA in History; MAT in History; MPH in Public Health; MS in Applied Physics, Biology, Computational Biology, and Environmental Science; PhD in Applied Physics, Environmental Science, Mathematical Sciences, and Urban Systems.
No current Cooperative Academic Program or Transfer/Articulation Agreements on record.
Articulation Agreements for the BS to MD program are in place for the following colleges and universities:
- Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ
- New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, NJ
- The College of New Jersey, Ewing, NJ
- Stockton University, Galloway, NJ
- Montclair State University, Montclair, NJ
- St. Peter’s University, Jersey City, NJ
Articulation Agreement for the BA to MD program is in place for the following school:
- Caldwell University, Caldwell, NJ
Articulation Agreement for the BA or BS to MD program is in place for the following school:
- Drew University, Madison, NJ
New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, NJ, Joint degrees are offered in the following areas: BA in Applied Mathematics, Applied Physics, Biology, Computer Science, History, Information Systems, Physics, and Science/Technology & Society; BS in Biology, Environmental Sciences, Bioscience Engineering, and Human Computer Interaction.
- Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, Joint MD/PhD Program.
- Seton Hall University, South Orange, NJ, Articulation Agreement for Access-Med BA/BS to MD program; and dual degree MD/JD and MD/Master of Science in Jurisprudence programs.
- Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing, People’s Republic of China, 3 + 1 + 1 or 3 + 2 Transfer program for a Bachelor’s degree from CUFE, and a Master’s Degree from Rutgers Business School in one of nine Master’s programs.
- County College of Morris*, Randolph, NJ, articulation agreement for A.A or A.S. degree holder to transfer into B.S. in Leadership and Management or B.S. in Marketing.
- Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, People’s Republic of China, 3 + 1 + 1 Bachelor’s/Master’s Transfer Degree Program for a Bachelor’s degree from Dalian University, and a Master’s degree from Rutgers University in one of the following programs: MS in Business of Fashion, Master of Financial Analysis, MS in Healthcare Services Management, Master of Information Technology, Master of Accountancy in Professional Accounting, MBA in Professional Accounting, Master of Quantitative Finance, Master of Supply Chain Analytics, and Full-time MBA Program.
- Dongbei University of Finance and Economics, Dalian, People’s Republic of China, 3 + 2, Transfer program for a Bachelor’s degree from DUFE, and a Master’s Degree from Rutgers Business School.
- Jilin University, Changchun, People’s Republic of China, 3 + 2 and 1 + 1 BS/MS Transfer Degree Program for a Bachelor’s degree from Jilin University Business School and a Master’s degree from Rutgers University in one of the following programs: MS in Business of Fashion, Master of Financial Analysis, MS in Healthcare Services Management, Master of Information Technology, Master of Accountancy in Professional Accounting, MBA in Professional Accounting, Master of Quantitative Finance, Master of Supply Chain Analytics, and Full-time MBA Program.
- National Tsing Hua University, College of Technical Management, Hsinchu, Taiwan, 3 + 2 Transfer program for a Bachelor’s degree from NTHU, and a Master’s Degree from Rutgers Business School in one of ten Master’s programs.
- Northeast Normal University (NENU), Changchun, People’s Republic of China, on-site Double Degree Program, Undergraduate Bachelor’s degree in Finance or Supply Chain Management.
- Shenzhen University, College of Management (SZUCM), Guangdong, People’s Republic of China, 3 + 2 Transfer program for a Bachelor’s of Management Degree (SZUCM), and a Master’s Degree from Rutgers Business School.
- South China University of Technology, Sino-America College, Guangzhou, People’s Republic of China, Transfer Degree Program for a BS in Management and Global Business from RU.
- Tianjin University of Finance and Economics, Tianjin, People’s Republic of China, 3 + 1 + 1 Bachelor’s/Master’s Transfer Degree Program for a Bachelor’s degree from TUFE, and a Master’s degree from Rutgers University in one of the following programs: MS in Business of Fashion, Master of Financial Analysis, MS in Healthcare Services Management, Master of Information Technology, Master of Accountancy in Professional Accounting, MBA in Professional Accounting, Master of Quantitative Finance, Full-time MBA Program, or Master of Supply Chain Analytics.
- Tunghai University, College of Management, Taichung City, Taiwan, 3 + 2 Bachelor’s/Master’s Transfer Degree Program for a Bachelor’s degree from Tunghai University, and a Master’s Degree from Rutgers University in one of the following programs: MS in Business of Fashion, Master of Financial Analysis, MS in Healthcare Services Management, Master of Information Technology and Analytics, Master of Accountancy in Professional Accounting, Master of Supply Chain Analytics, MBA in Professional Accounting, Master of Quantitative Finance, or Full‐time MBA Program.
- University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu, People’s Republic of China, 3 + 1 + 1 Bachelor’s/Master’s Transfer Degree Program for a Bachelor’s degree from TUFE, and a Master’s degree from Rutgers University in one of the following programs: MS in Business of Fashion, Master of Financial Analysis, MS in Healthcare Services Management, Master of Information Technology, Master of Accountancy in Professional Accounting, MBA in Professional Accounting, Master of Quantitative Finance, Full-time MBA Program, or Master of Supply Chain Analytics.
- Rowan University, Glassboro, NJ, dual BA/JD program
- Rowan University, Glassboro, NJ, dual JD/DO program
The Rutgers School of Dental Medicine has entered into Articulation Agreements with several institutions of higher education for the purpose of granting a BS and a DMD in less than the normal eight-year time frame. Under the agreements, the student would complete certain required courses for three years at the undergraduate school and four years at RSDM. A BS is granted by the undergraduate school upon completion of the first year at RSDM.
- Caldwell University, Caldwell, NJ
- Fairleigh Dickinson University, Teaneck, NJ
- Montclair State University, Montclair, NJ
- New Jersey City University, Jersey City, NJ
- New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, NJ
- North Carolina Central University, Durham, NC
- Ramapo College, Mahwah, NJ
- Rowan University, Glassboro, NJ
- Saint Peter’s University, Jersey City, NJ
- Stockton University, Galloway, NJ
Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, Articulation Agreement for students in the School of Professional Studies, Post-Baccalaureate program.
Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA, Articulation Agreement for students in their fourth semester of studies at PSU.
- Beijing University of Chemical Technology (BUCT), College of Humanities and Law, Beijing, People’s Republic of China, Transfer Agreement, Double Degree Program. (with SSW)
- Brookdale Community College*, Lincroft, NJ, degree completion program, BS in Criminal Justice.
- Capital Normal University, School of Mathematical Sciences, Beijing, People’s Republic of China, Double Degree Program, for the BA, or a BS if the student completes the honors track in mathematics, from RU; and for a BS from CNU.
- Mercer County Community College*, West Windsor, NJ, degree completion programs, BS in Criminal Justice, and BA in Political Science.
- New Brunswick High School, New Brunswick, NJ, 12th Grade College English Program.
- Raritan Valley Community College*, Branchburg, NJ, degree completion programs BA in Political Science.
- Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, Shanghai, People’s Republic of China, Educational Collaboration Agreement between Master’s degree in Statistics and Biostatistics (specifically tracks in Financial Statistics and Risk Management (FSRM) and Data-Science – Statistics (MSDS-stat)) and the Master’s degree in Economics and Statistics at Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences. (with School of Graduate Studies)
- South China University of Technology, Sino-America College, Guangzhou, People’s Republic of China, Transfer Degree program, BA in Journalism and Media Studies. (with SCI)
- Parallel (Double) Degree Program – Designed to provide students with the opportunity to receive both a bachelor’s degree from their home institution and a BA in Business Administration from Rutgers School of Business–Camden. The participating student completes their first two years at their home institution and finishes their final two years at Rutgers–Camden:
- Chonbuk National University, Division of Business Administration, Jeonju, South Korea
- Chungnam National University, College of Economics and Management, Daejeon, South Korea
- Korea Maritime and Ocean University, College of International Studies, Busan, South Korea
- Southwestern University of Finance and Economics (SWUFE), Tian Fu College - Division of Business Administration, Mianyang, People’s Republic of China
- University of Seoul, College of Business Administration, Seoul, South Korea
- Atlantic Cape Community College*, Mays Landing, NJ, degree completion program, BA in Business Administration.
- Beijing University of Technology, Beijing, People’s Republic of China, 3+1+1 Accelerated MBA Degree Program, 3+1+1 Accelerated MAC Degree Program, and 3+1+1 Accelerated MBA and MAC Degree Program.
- Brookdale Community College*, Lincroft, NJ, degree completion program, BA in Business Administration.
- Camden County College*, Blackwood, NJ, degree completion program, BA in Business Administration
- Community College of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA, Dual Admission and Core-To-Core Transfer Agreement for various majors.
- Cankaya University, Ankara, Turkey, Student Transfer Agreement, 1 + 1, International Admissions and Transfer Program, MBA at SBC.
- Global Pathways Institute, Mumbai, India, 2 + 2 Transfer programs, both on-site (BS in Business Administration) and online (BA in Business Administration) options available (Pending final approval).
- Hunan Normal University, Changsha, People’s Republic of China, 3+1+1 Accelerated MBA Degree Program, 3+1+1 Accelerated MAC Degree Program, and 3+1+1 Accelerated MBA and MAC Degree Program.
- Liaoning University, Shenyang, People’s Republic of China, 3 + 1 + 1 Accelerated MBA Program, 3 + 1 + 1 Accelerated MAC Degree Program, and 3 + 1 + 1.5 Accelerated MBA and MAC Degree Program.
- Mercer County Community College*, West Windsor, NJ, degree completion program, BA in Business Administration.
- Qingdao University, Qingdao, Peoples’ Republic of China, Double Degree Program for BS from RSB-C and QU-SOE.
- Shanghai University of International Business and Economics, Shanghai, People’s Republic of China, 3+1+1 Accelerated MBA Degree Program, 3+1+1 Accelerated MAC Degree Program, and 3+1+1 Accelerated MBA and MAC Degree Program.
- Tianjin Foreign Studies University, Tianjin, People’s Republic of China, 3+1+1 Accelerated MBA Degree Program, 3+1+1 Accelerated MAC Degree Program, and 3+1+1 Accelerated MBA and MAC Degree Program.
- Tianjin University of Finance and Economics, Tianjin, People’s Republic of China, Cooperative Academic Agreement for students to receive an online BA degree from RU, and a Bachelor’s Degree from TUFE.
- University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai, People’s Republic of China, 3+1+1 Accelerated MBA Degree Program (Students Major not in Accounting), 3+1+1 Accelerated MAC Degree Program (Students Major not in Accounting), 3+1+1 Accelerated MBA and MAC Degree Program (Students Major Not in Accounting), 3 + 1.5 Accelerated MAC Degree Program (Students Major in Accounting), and 3 + 1 + 1 Accelerated MBA and MAC Degree Program (Students Major in Accounting).
- Zhejing Wanli University, Ningbo, People’s Republic of China, 3 + 1 + 1 Accelerated MBA Program, 3 + 1 + 1 Accelerated MAC Degree Program, and 3 + 1 + 1.5 Accelerated MBA and MAC Degree Program.
- Parallel (Double) Degree Program – Designed to provide students with the opportunity to receive both a bachelor’s degree from their home institution and a BA in Business Administration from Rutgers School of Business–Camden. The participating student completes their first two years at their home institution and finishes their final two years at Rutgers–Camden:
South China University of Technology, Sino-America College, Guangzhou, People’s Republic of China, Transfer Degree program, BA in Journalism and Media Studies. (with SAS)
- County College of Morris*, Randolph, NJ, degree completion program, BS in Criminal Justice.
- New Jersey Scholarship and Transformative Education in Prisons (NJSTEP) in agreement with Raritan Valley Community College, AA/BA Program.
- The School of Engineering offers cooperative education opportunities with partner institutions for international students who have completed two or three years of foundational math, science, and engineering courses at their home institutions to complete their degrees at Rutgers School of Engineering in select engineering majors. Cooperative education programs have been established between the School of Engineering and the following universities in select majors:
- Bahcesehir University, Istanbul, Turkey
- Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing, China
- Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China
- International University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
- South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China
- The University of Technology, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
- University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu, People’s Republic of China
- Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication, Beijing, China. 3 + 2 bachelors/master’s degree program in Packaging Engineering.
- Beijing University of Chemical Technology (BUCT), College of Chemical Engineering, Beijing, People’s Republic of China, Student Transfer Agreement, 2 + 2 Articulation Program Agreement, Chemical Engineering.
- The European Union and United States International Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering Management.
- Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, People’s Republic of China, Student Transfer Agreement, BS from RU-SOE for the major into which they were admitted.
- National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia, Yerevan, Armenia, Student Transfer Agreement, BS from RU-SOE for the major into which they were admitted.
- Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Mechanical Engineering, Shaghai, People’s Republic of China, 2 + 2 Student Transfer Agreement for BS in Mechanical Engineering.
- South China University of Technology, School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering (SCUT-SOE), Guangzhou, People’s Republic of China, Student Transfer Agreement, BS from RU-SOE for the major into which they were admitted.
- South China University of Technology, School of Electronic and Information Engineering (SCUT-SEIE), 3 + 2 Student Transfer Agreement for a Bachelor of Engineering degree from SCUT-SEIE, and a Master’s of Science degree from RU.
- Tianjin University, School of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Tianjin, People’s Republic of China, 3 + 2 Transfer Agreement, for a Bachelor of Engineering degree in Chemical Engineering at TU, and an MS in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering at RU.
- University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, (UEST), Chengdu, People’s Republic of China, Cooperative education Agreement, 3 + 2 bachelors/master’s Degree program for a Bachelor of Science from UEST, and an MS in Industrial and Systems Engineering from RU.
- University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, (UEST), Chengdu, People’s Republic of China, Cooperative education Agreement, 3 + 2 bachelors/master’s degree program for a Bachelor of Engineering from UEST, and an MS in Electrical and Computer Engineering from RU.
- University of Parma, (Atlantis Program) UMANE, Parma, Italy. EU/US Atlantis Program: UMANE (EU/US International Bachelor Degree in Engineering Management) Partner Institutions - UNEX, Spain and NJIT (Parma and NJIT are lead institutions).
- Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, Transfer Program for a BS from RU for the major into which they were admitted.
- The School of Engineering offers cooperative education opportunities with partner institutions for international students who have completed two or three years of foundational math, science, and engineering courses at their home institutions to complete their degrees at Rutgers School of Engineering in select engineering majors. Cooperative education programs have been established between the School of Engineering and the following universities in select majors:
- Rutgers 2 + 2 Transfer Programs are open to Chinese students attending Shanghai Jiao Tong University and South China University of Technology who are in their second year of course work and majoring in Environmental Sciences, Plant Sciences, or Food Science.
- China Agricultural University, Beijing, People’s Republic of China, Transfer Program for a BS Degree.
- Jilin University, Changchun, People’s Republic of China, 2 + 2 Bachelor’s degree transfer program for the major into which they were admitted.
- Raritan Valley Community College, Branchburg, NJ, Articulation Agreement for a BS in Biotechnology.
- Rowan College at Gloucester County, Deptford Township, NJ, Articulation Agreement for a BS in Food Sciences.
- Shanghai Jiao Tong University, School of Agriculture and Biology, Shanghai, People’s Republic of China, Student Transfer Agreement - Agricultural and Biological Sciences.
- South China University of Technology, College of Light Industry and Food Science, Guangzhou, People’s Republic of China, Transfer Program, for a bachelor’s degree for the program into which they were admitted.
- South China University of Technology, School of Bioscience and Bioengineering, Guangzhou, People’s Republic of China, Transfer Program, for a bachelor’s degree for the program into which they were admitted.
- South China University of Technology, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Guangzhou, People’s Republic of China, Transfer Program, for a bachelor’s degree for the program into which they were admitted.
- Sussex County Community College, Newton, NJ, Student Transfer Agreement for a BS in Environmental and Business Economics.
- Tianjin University, Tianjin, People’s Republic of China, Student Transfer Agreement for 3 + 2 bachelors/master’s degree program for a BS from TU, and a MS in Environmental Science from RU.
- Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, People’s Republic of China, 3 + 2 BS/MS, Cooperative Education Program for a BS from ZU, and an MS in Environmental Science from RU.
- Curriculum for Agricultural Science Education (CASE) Programs:
- Allentown High School, Allentown, NJ
- Bermudian Springs School District, York Springs, PA
- Calvert County Public Schools, Prince Frederick, MD
- Camden County Technical Schools, Sicklerville and Pennsauken, NJ
- Carroll County Public Schools, Westminster, MD
- Cumberland Regional High School District, Bridgeton, NJ
- Danville Area High School, Danville, PA
- Dr. James A. Forrest Career and Technology Center, Leonardtown, MD
- Essex County Vocational Technical School District, West Caldwell, NJ
- Freehold Township High School, Freehold, NJ
- Hunterdon County Vocational School District, Flemington, NJ
- Middlesex County Vocational and Technical Schools, East Brunswick, Edison, Perth Amboy, Piscataway, and Woodbridge, NJ
- Muskegon Area School District, Muskegon, MI
- North Warren Regional School District, Blairstown, NJ
- Northern Burlington County Regional High School, Columbus, NJ
- Ocean County Vocational Technical School, Toms River, NJ
- Octorara Area Junior/Senior High School, Atglen, PA
- Penns Grove High School, Carneys Point, NJ
- Phillipsburg High School, Phillipsburg, NJ
- Salem County Career and Technical High School, Woodstown, NJ
- Somerset County Vocational and Technical High School, Bridgewater, NJ
- South Hunterdon Regional High School, Lambertville, NJ
- Sussex County Technical High School, Sparta, NJ
- Tyrone Area High School, Tyrone, PA
- Vineland High School, Vineland, NJ
- Williamsburg Community Junior/Senior High School, Williamsburg, PA
- Woodstown High School, Woodstown, NJ
- China Agricultural University, Beijing, People’s Republic of China, Student Transfer Agreement, 3 + 2 Bachelor’s/Master’s degree program, Professional Science Master's Program, Master of Business and Science Degree.
- Montclair State University, Montclair, NJ, Articulation Agreement for BS to PhD program, and MS to PhD in Biomedical Sciences.
- Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing, People’s Republic of China, Double Degree Program, Professional Science Master’s program.
- New Jersey City University, Jersey City, NJ, Articulation Agreement for BS to PhD in Biomedical Sciences.
- New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, NJ, Joint PhD program in Biomedical Sciences.
- Pohang University of Science and Technology, Pohang, South Korea, Transfer program, Professional Science Master’s Program, Master of Business and Science Degree.
- Shandong University, Jinan and Qingdao, People’s Republic of China, Transfer program, Professional Science Master’s Program, Master of Business and Science Degree.
- Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, Shanghai, People’s Republic of China, Educational Collaboration Agreement between Master’s degree in Statistics and Biostatistics (specifically tracks in Financial Statistics and Risk Management (FSRM) and Data-Science – Statistics (MSDS-stat)) and the Master’s degree in Economics and Statistics at Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences. (with School of Arts and Sciences)
- South China University of Technology (SCUT), Guangzhou, People’s Republic of China, Cooperative Education Agreement, 3 + 2 Bachelor’s/Master’s program, Professional Science Master’s Program, Master of Business and Science degree.
- Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, South Korea, Transfer program, Professional Science Master’s Program, Master of Business and Science Degree.
- University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus, PR, Articulation Agreement for MS to PhD in Biomedical Sciences.
- University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil, Double Degree PhD Program, Plant Cell and Molecular Biology.
- University of Wuerzburg, Wuerzburg, Germany, exchange program with opportunity to transfer credits for Master’s degree.
- Bloomfield College, Bloomfield, NJ, Joint BS in Clinical Laboratory Sciences with a specialization in Medical Laboratory Sciences, and in Medical Imaging Sciences.
- Caldwell University, Caldwell, NJ, Joint BS in Clinical Laboratory Sciences with a specialization in Medical Laboratory Sciences; and Articulation Agreement for BS/MS 3 + 3 Physician Assistant Program.
- Camden County College, Blackwood, Camden, and Cherry Hill, NJ, Joint AS in Occupational Therapy Assistant. At Blackwood Campus, Transfer Agreement for BS in Health Sciences, Psychiatric Rehabilitation, and Counseling Professions Track.
- College of Saint Elizabeth, Morristown, NJ, Joint BS in Clinical Laboratory Sciences with a specialization in Medical Laboratory Sciences, and in Medical Imaging Sciences.
- County College of Morris, Randolph, NJ, Joint AS in Occupational Therapy Assistant.
- County College of Morris, Randolph, NJ, Joint AS in Occupational Therapy Assistant.
- Cumberland County Community College, Camden, NJ, Joint AS in Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Treatment, and in Occupational Therapy Assistant.
- Fairleigh Dickinson University, Teaneck, Madison, and Hackensack, NJ, Joint BS Degree Programs in Clinical Laboratory Sciences, with a specialization in Medical Laboratory Sciences, Health Information Management, and Medical Imaging Sciences; and Articulation Agreement for BS/Doctor of Physical Therapy program.
- Felician University, Rutherford, NJ, Joint BS in Psychiatric Rehabilitation and Psychology, Clinical Laboratory Sciences, with a specialization in Medical Laboratory Sciences, Health Information Management, and Medical Imaging Sciences; Articulation Agreement for BA/MS (3 + 3) Physician Assistant Program; and Articulation Agreement for BS/Doctor of Physical Therapy program.
- Georgian Court University, Lakewood, NJ, Joint BS in Health Information Management, and Clinical Laboratory Sciences with a specialization in Medical Laboratory Sciences, and in Medical Imaging Sciences.
- Hudson County Community College, Jersey City, NJ, Joint BS in Clinical Laboratory Sciences, and Occupational Therapy Assistant.
- International Medical University, Kuala Lampur, Malaysia, articulation agreement for the admission of graduates from IMU Dietetic Bachelor’s Degree to the Rutgers Entry Level M.S. in Clinical Nutrition Program.
- Kean University, Union, NJ, Joint BS in Health Information Management, Clinical Laboratory Sciences with Specialization in Medical Laboratory Science, and Psychiatric Rehabilitation and Psychology; and Articulation Agreement for BA/MS (3 + 3) Physician Assistant Program.
- Mercer County Community College, West Windsor, NJ, Joint BS in Occupational Therapy Assistant.
- Middlesex County College, Edison, NJ, Joint AS in Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Treatment.
- Monmouth University, West Long Branch, NJ, Joint BS in Clinical Laboratory Sciences with a specialization in Medical Laboratory Sciences, and Articulation Agreement for BS/MS in Clinical Trials.
- Montclair State University, Montclair, NJ, Articulation Agreements for BA/MS (3 + 3) Physician Assistant Program, and Articulation Agreement for BS/Doctor of Physical Therapy Program.
- New Jersey City University, Jersey City, NJ, Joint BS in Clinical Laboratory Sciences with Specialization in Medical Laboratory Science; Health Information Management; and Medical Imaging Sciences.
- New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, NJ, Joint BS in Clinical Laboratory Sciences with a specialization in Medical Laboratory Sciences, Articulation Agreement for BA/MS (3 + 3) Physician’s Assistant Program, and Articulation Agreement for BS/Doctor of Physical Therapy Program.
- Ocean County College, Toms River, NJ, Joint AS for Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Treatment, and Occupational Therapy Assistant.
- Passaic County Community College, Paterson, NJ, Joint AS for Occupational Therapy Assistant, and Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Treatment.
- Ramapo College of New Jersey, Mahwah, NJ, Joint BS in Clinical Laboratory Sciences with a specialization in Medical Laboratory Sciences, Health Information Management, and Medical Imaging Sciences; Articulation Agreement for BS in Biomedical Informatics; Articulation Agreement for BS/MS (3 + 3) Physician’s Assistant Program; and Articulation Agreement for BS/Doctor of Physical Therapy program.
- Raritan Valley Community College, Branchburg, NJ, Joint AS Degree Programs in Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Treatment, and Occupational Therapy Assistant.
- Rowan College at Burlington County, Pemberton, NJ, Academic Transfer Agreement in Health Information Management.
- Saint Peter’s University, Jersey City, NJ, Joint BS Degree Programs in Clinical Laboratory Sciences with a specialization in Medical Laboratory Sciences, Articulation Agreement for MS degree Physician Assistant Program, and Articulation Agreement for BS/Doctor of Physical Therapy Program.
- Salem Community College, Carneys Point, NJ, Joint AS in Occupational Therapy Assistant.
- Sussex County Community College, Newton, NJ, Joint AS in Occupational Therapy Assistant, and Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Treatment.
- Thomas Edison State University, Trenton, NJ, Joint BS Degree in Medical Imaging Sciences, Occupational Therapy Assistant, Health Informatics, and in Health Sciences.
- Union County College, Cranford, NJ, Joint AS Degree Program in Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Treatment.
- Warren County Community College, Washington, NJ, Joint AS in Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Treatment, and Occupational Therapy Assistant.
- William Paterson University, Wayne, NJ, Articulation Agreement for BS/MS (3 + 3) Physician Assistant Program, and Articulation Agreement for BS/Doctor of Physical Therapy Program.
- Yeshiva University, New York City, NY, Articulation Agreement for BA/Doctor of Physical Therapy Program.
- Academic Health Science Career Locations (College Credit for High School Courses):
- Abraham Clark High School
- Admiral William F. Halsey Health and Public Safety Academy
- Asbury Park High School
- Atlantic County Institute of Technology
- Bergen County Technical Schools
- Bergenfield High School
- Burlington City High School
- Burlington County Institute of Technology
- Cape May County Technical School District
- Cape May County Technical School District Licensed Practical Nursing Program
- Cherry Hill High School East
- Cherry Hill High School West
- Cranford High School
- Cumberland County Technical Education Center
- Dickinson High School
- Dover High School
- East Orange Campus High School
- Essex County Vocational/Technical School
- Freehold Regional High School District
- Gloucester County Institute of Technology High School
- Hanover Park Regional High School
- Holmdel High School District
- Hudson County School of Technology
- Hunterdon County Vocational School District
- Kinnelon High School
- Livingston High School
- Manasquan High School
- Mary Help of Christians Academy
- Mercer County Technical School-Health Care Academy
- Middlesex County Academy for Allied Health and Biomedical Sciences
- Midland Park High School
- Monmouth County Academy of Allied Health & Science
- Monmouth County Vocational Technical Schools
- Monmouth Regional High School
- Morris County Vocational School District
- Morris County Vocational School District Continuing Education
- Morristown High School
- New Brunswick High School
- Newark Public Schools
- Northern Highlands High School
- Nutley High School
- Ocean County Vocational Technical School
- Old Bridge High School
- Orange High School
- Passaic County Technical Institute
- Passaic County Technical Institute Licensed Practical Nursing Program
- Paterson Catholic High School
- Pequannock Township School District, in conjunction with Morris County Vocational School District
- Perth Amboy High School
- Piscataway High School
- Plainfield Public School District
- Raritan High School
- Red Bank Regional High School
- Somerset County Vocational & Technical High School
- Sterling High School
- Sussex County Technical School
- Trenton Central High School West
- Union City High School
- Union County Academy for Allied Health Sciences
- Union County Vocational Technical School District
- Union High School
- Vernon Township High School
- Wallkill Valley Regional High School Board of Education
- Warren County Technical School
- West Essex High School
- West Orange High School
- Atlantic Cape Community College*, Mays Landing, NJ, degree completion program, BS in Labor & Employment Relations.
- Brookdale Community College*, Lincroft, NJ, degree completion program, BS in Labor & Employment Relations.
- Capital University of Economics, School of Labor Economics, Beijing, People’s Republic of China, 3+1 Undergraduate Program, and 3+1+1 Graduate Program in MHRM or MLER.
- Mercer County Community College*, West Windsor, NJ, degree completion program, BS in Labor & Employment Relations.
- Raritan Valley Community College*, Branchburg, NJ, AAS degree holders may transfer 60 credits toward a BS in Labor and Employment Relations.
- Atlantic Cape Community College*, Mays Landing, NJ, “RN to BS Express” Program. The RN to BS Express Program allows students to complete three years of the BS degree in Nursing at the community college followed by seamless transfer to the Rutgers-Camden RN to BS Program, which is also offered on-site at the community college. The agreement offers guaranteed admission into the Rutgers–Camden RN to BS program upon successful completion of the associate’s degree in nursing with a minimum 2.7 GPA, passage of the NCLEX exam, and subsequent licensure as a registered nurse (RN).
- Community College of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA, Dual Admission and Core-To-Core Transfer Agreement for various majors.
- Mercer County Community College*, West Windsor, NJ, “RN to BS Express” Program. The RN to BS Express Program allows students to complete three years of the BS degree in Nursing at the community college followed by seamless transfer to the Rutgers-Camden RN to BS Program, which is also offered on-site at the community college. The agreement offers guaranteed admission into the Rutgers–Camden RN to BS program upon successful completion of the associate’s degree in nursing with a minimum 2.7 GPA, passage of the NCLEX exam, and subsequent licensure as a registered nurse (RN).
- Camden County College*, Blackwood, NJ - Affiliation Agreement for AS to BSN Degree.
- New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, NJ, Joint PhD Program in Urban Systems, Urban Health Track (no longer admitting new students).
- Capital University of Economics and Business, Beijing, People’s Republic of China, Cooperative Undergraduate Program Agreement, 1+2+1 in Digital Government and Public Service; Double Degree Program, MPA; and 3 + 2 Transfer program for a Bachelor’s degree from CUEB, and MPA from SPAA.
- KDI School of Public Policy and Management, Sejong, South Korea, Double Degree Program, Master of Public Administration.
- Lanzhou University, School of Management, Lanzhou, People's Republic of China, 3 + 2 Cooperative Bachelor/Master of Public Administration Degree, Double Degree Master of Public Adminsitration Program.
- Nanjing University, School of Government, Nanjing, People’s Republic of China, Double Degree Program, Master of Public Administration.
- National Taipei University, College of Public Affairs, New Taipei City, Taiwan, Double Degree Program, Master of Public Administration, and 3+2 B/MPA Program.
- Northeast Normal University (NENU), Changchun, People’s Republic of China, Double Degree Program, Bachelor’s degree in Public and Non-Profit Administration.
- Renmin University of China, The School of Public Administration, Beijing, People’s Republic of China, Double Degree Program, Master of Public Administration.
- Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea, MOU - Double MPA Degree Program.
- Shandong University, The School of political Science and Public Administration, Qingdao and Jinan, People’s Republic of China, Double Degree Program, Master’s degree from Shandong/ Master of Public Administration from Rutgers.
- Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, Shanghai, People’s Republic of China, Double Degree Program, Master’s degree from Shanghai/ Master of Public Administration from Rutgers.
- National School of Public Health, Athens, Greece, RSPH Global Academic Program at NSPH, graduate courses in public health.
- New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT), Newark, NJ, Articulated agreement, Bachelor’s/Master’s program for BA/BS undergraduates to receive a Master of Public Health.
- Rowan University, Glassboro, NJ, Dual Degree MBS/MPH and MSBS/MPH Programs.
- Rowan University, Glassboro, NJ, Dual Degree DO/MPH Program.
- Stockton University, Galloway, NJ, Articulated agreement, Bachelor’s/Master’s Program for Public Health undergraduates to receive a Master of Public Health.
- The College of New Jersey (TCNJ), Ewing, NJ, Articulated agreement, Bachelor’s/Master’s program for BA/BS undergraduates to receive a Master of Public Health.
- William Paterson University, Wayne, NJ, Articulated agreement, Bachelor’s/Master’s program for BS undergraduates to receive a Master of Public Health.
- Beijing University of Chemical Technology (BUCT), College of Humanities and Law, Beijing, People’s Republic of China, Transfer Agreement, Double Degree Program. (with SAS)
- Master of Social Work/Master of Divinity (MSW/MDiv) with the Princeton Theological Seminary. Students begin this four-year program at the Princeton Theological Seminary and apply to the Rutgers School of Social Work in their second year at the Seminary. The final two years of study in the dual degree are completed at Rutgers School of Social Work.
- Atlantic Cape Community College*, Mays Landing, NJ, degree completion programs, BA in Criminal Justice, BA in Liberal Studies, BA in Political Science, BA in Psychology, BA in Psychology with Early Childhood Education concentration, and BA in Social Work.
- Atlantic Cape Community College, Mays Landing, NJ, Articulation Agreement for transfer with an AAS in Paralegal Studies into UCC, BA in Political Science.
- Camden County College, Blackwood, Camden, and Cherry Hill, NJ, Articulation Agreement for transfer with an AA in Liberal Arts and Science: Law, Government & Politics Option; or an AAS in Paralegal Studies into UCC, BA in Political Science.
- Brookdale Community College*, Lincroft, NJ, degree completion programs, BA in Liberal Studies, and BA in Political Science.
- Raritan Valley Community College*, Branchburg, NJ, degree completion programs, Branchburg, NJ, BA in Criminal Justice, and BA in Liberal Studies.
- Brookdale Community College*, Lincroft, NJ, degree completion programs, BA in Journalism & Media Studies, BA in Psychology, and BA in Social Work.
- County College of Morris*, Randolph, NJ, degree completion program, BA in Psychology.
- New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, NJ, Joint degrees are offered in the following areas: BA in Applied Mathematics, Applied Physics, Biology, Computer Science, History,
- Information Systems, Physics, and Science/Technology & Society; BS in Biology, Environmental Sciences, Bioscience Engineering, and Human Computer Interaction.
- Northeast Normal University, Changchun, People’s Republic of China, Double Degree Program, Undergraduate Bachelor’s degree in Public Nonprofit Management.
- Raritan Valley Community College*, Branchburg, NJ, degree completion program, BA in Psychology.