Faculty Hiring Manual
Section 2: Getting Started
Prior to starting any faculty searches, Hiring Units must receive the Dean’s approval. Please note that CLUs may have additional approval procedures. Hiring Units should confirm whether any additional requirements exist.
Section 2
2.2 Composing the Search Committee
2.3 Search Committee Charges and Duties
2.4 Creating the Position for ROCS
2.5 Collecting Demographic Data
2.6 Publicizing the Position with a Communication Plan
2.7 Training the Search Committee
Faculty Hiring Manual
The Rutgers University Faculty Hiring Manual is intended to support efforts in Rutgers departments, colleges/schools, and other academic units across our chancellor-led units. It outlines university policies, procedures, and best practices for identifying, selecting, and hiring exemplary future colleagues whose research, teaching, and service will advance the university's mission.