Strategic Initiatives
The EVPAA supports universitywide initiatives that advance collective academic excellence. Through these efforts, we play the role of convening, communicating, and coordinating implementation around a shared mission of advancing collaboration at scale and realizing our potential as a major public university. These initiatives support transformative growth potential for our institution, our faculty, and our students.
Roadmaps for Collective Academic Excellence
Our Roadmaps initiative amplifies and accelerates strategic investments by Rutgers’s four major academic units, catalyzing emergent multidisciplinary academic areas that span our schools and campuses in unprecedented ways.

Presidential Faculty Diversity Initiative
A diverse faculty is a cornerstone of academic excellence. By reaching out far and wide to recruit a diverse cohort of faculty who will then be supported, mentored, and developed in a way that fosters retention and eliminates isolation, Rutgers will set in motion a self-reinforcing academic community that is committed to diversity and inclusive excellence.
A universitywide Presidential Faculty Diversity Initiative strategically aligns with the overarching goals set out in our Diversity Strategic Plan. Each of the programs within the Presidential Faculty Diversity Initiative is designed to help further Rutgers’ goal of diversifying its faculty and graduate community.