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Middle States Accreditation

Rutgers University is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE). MSCHE is the regional accreditation authority for the mid-Atlantic region of the United States and is one of six regional accrediting bodies in the United States for four-year institutions. The goal of accreditation is to ensure that institutions of higher education meet acceptable levels of quality approved by Middle States member institutions.  Institutions engage in a Self-Study every eight years, along with other annual reporting and periodic reviews, in order to reflect on current operations and provide evidence regarding how they are meeting MSCHE Standards and Requirements of Affiliation. Rutgers was last reaccredited in 2018, and we are now preparing for the next reaccreditation cycle, which will conclude with an evaluation team’s site visit to our campuses in the spring of 2027.

The 2027 Self-Study process extends from fall 2024 through our site visit in spring 2027. The Self-Study process will focus on seven Standards for Accreditation and Requirements of Affiliation and is being undertaken by a large committee of more than 100 members of the Rutgers community, including faculty, staff, students, members of our governing boards, and alumni. Once the draft of the Self-Study Report has been completed, we will ask all current members of the Rutgers community to review it and provide feedback, as we prepare to submit the report by the end of 2026. This website provides information on the Self-Study process and how the Rutgers community can engage in the university's reaccreditation.


What is Middle States Accreditation, and why is it important?

  • The Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE) is the regional accreditation authority, historically for the mid-Atlantic region of the United States. Institutions are reaccredited every eight years. MSCHE is one of six regional accrediting bodies in the United States for four-year institutions. 
  • The goal of accreditation is to ensure that institutions of higher education meet acceptable levels of quality approved by MSCHE member institutions. Institutions engage in a Self-Study, and other annual reporting and periodic reviews, in order to reflect on current operations and provide evidence to MSCHE reviewers, which identify how they are meeting MSCHE Standards and Requirements of Affiliation.
  • For students to receive federal student aid for postsecondary study, including Pell Grants, and for institutions to receive federal funding, an institution must be accredited by one of these regional accrediting agencies.
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Middle States Committees and Working Groups

Our Middle States Steering Committee and Working Groups lead the university’s accreditation review with the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE). The Steering Committee provides oversight and guidance, ensuring alignment with accreditation standards, while each Working Group focuses on one of the seven accreditation areas, including mission, ethics, student learning, assessment, and governance. Comprising faculty, administrators, and students, these teams gather evidence, analyze institutional effectiveness, and contribute to the university’s Self-Study Report. Their work ensures compliance with accreditation requirements and supports ongoing institutional improvement.

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