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Advisory Committees and Roundtables

Committees and Roundtables

Academic Strategy Roundtable

The Academic Strategy Roundtable promotes collaboration across the Office of Academic Affairs, Rutgers–Camden, Rutgers–New Brunswick, Rutgers–Newark, and Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences (RBHS). Academic Affairs actively convenes the roundtable to determine mutual areas of interest and strength to advance the academic mission of the university. Members of the roundtable identify strategic opportunities for cross-campus partnerships and provide implementation leadership on their respective campuses.

Committee on Academic Planning

One of Rutgers’ most important faculty bodies, the Committee on Academic Planning plays a critical role in policy development and in the strategic review and evaluation of graduate programs, undergraduate programs, and research centers at the university.

Council on Online Education

The new Council on Online Education will contribute to improving all aspects of the online education experience throughout the student lifecycle by advising on universitywide policies, practices, expectations, and investments.

Evaluation of Teaching Working Group

Teaching is fundamental to the University’s mission, and evaluation of teaching with evidence that fully represents a candidate’s teaching practice is fundamental for promotion and tenure.  In July 2021, the Evaluation of Teaching Working Group was convened to consider those best practices for evaluation of teaching used at Rutgers and among Rutgers’ peers and aspirants. 

Promotion Review Committee

The University Promotion Review Committee (PRC) consists of the Provost–Camden, the Provost–New Brunswick, the Provost-Newark, one Provost–Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences, and eight faculty members at or above the rank of Professor I. The Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs, as chair of the PRC, is its sole spokesperson and presides without vote except in the event of a tie of the voting members.

Research Strategy Roundtable

The Research Strategy Roundtable promotes research collaboration across Rutgers University. It reviews the Rutgers’ research portfolio and identifies approaches for strategic intervention. Sample activities include assessment of interdisciplinary research priorities in response to external funding opportunities; ideation of institution-wide collaborative research programs; and development of mechanisms to improve research infrastructure, training, support, and development.

University Committee on Diversity, Race, and Gender

The University Committee on Diversity, Race, and Gender (UCD) works to recommend initiatives pertaining to diversity, including diversity training, recruitment, retention, mentoring, and professional development.  Through joint leadership between the university and the AAUP-AFT, the committee consists of faculty members and university leaders appointed by both the university and the union.