University Professorships
University Professorships are awarded to senior faculty members by the Board of Governors upon recommendation by the president. The title is awarded to a faculty member who has made exceptional contributions in academic or administrative service or who has earned academic distinction across disciplinary lines. Consequently, a University Professor need not be part of any particular university department, although the faculty member might be primarily affiliated with one field. Some University Professors are engaged primarily in administrative duties.
All University Professors, except those individuals who formerly reported to the president, report to the chancellor who recommended their appointment. The responsibilities of these University Professors will be determined by the chancellor. University Professors who formerly reported to the president have universitywide responsibilities and are to report yearly to the executive vice president for academic affairs on their activities, accomplishments, and plans for the year ahead. Once appointed, a faculty member remains a University Professor until he or she retires.
The unit head responsible for the salary of a University Professor is the individual or office who recommended that the individual be named a University Professor. In the case of an administrator who is returning to the faculty, the executive who hired or promoted that individual to the administrative position is responsible for that individual’s salary as a University Professor. For example, a chancellor would be responsible for the salary of a former dean who is returning to the faculty as a University Professor.
A University Professor actively engaged in research and teaching may be provided with a small annual research account funded by the department, school or other unit, or chancellor’s office. The chancellor determines the funding policy. The account is renewed on an annual basis. Funds may be used for equipment, wages of labor, etc.
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The chancellor, in consultation with the dean and department chair, sends a nomination letter and nominee’s CV to the associate vice president for academic affairs (Angela Mullis), who manages the process for the executive vice president for academic affairs (EVPAA).
The EVPAA confers with the president to determine whether the candidate meets the standard for University Professor.
If approved, the associate vice president for academic affairs will draft a memo and resolution for the president, and submit them to the Committee on Academic and Student Affairs, together with the nominee’s CV.
Following approval by the Board of Governors, the unit or chancellor’s office will establish a research account; the amount varies and funding is determined by the chancellor.
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Barchi, Robert L.
President Emeritus, Rutgers UniversityBreslauer, Kenneth J.
Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, School of Arts and SciencesBurley, Stephen K.
Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, School of Arts and SciencesCaprio, Raphael J.
Department of Public Administration, Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public PolicyChen, Ronald K.
Rutgers Law SchoolClarke, Ronald V.
School of Criminal JusticeClear, Todd R.
School of Criminal JusticeDiner, Steven
Department of History, School of Arts and Sciences–NewarkEdwards, Richard L.
School of Social WorkFarmer, John J., Jr
Rutgers Law SchoolForman, Susan
Department of Psychology, Graduate School of Applied and Professional PsychologyGanesh, Jaishanka
School of Business–CamdenGoodman, Robert M.
Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Natural Resources, School of Environmental and Biological SciencesHaddon, Phoebe
Chancellor Emerita, Rutgers Law SchoolHart, Daniel
Department of Psychology, Faculty of Arts and Sciences–CamdenHolloway, Jonathan
President, Rutgers UniversityHughes, James W.
Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public PolicyKirschner, Carl
Department of Spanish and Portuguese, School of Arts and SciencesLee, Barbara
Department of Human Resource Management, School of Management and Labor RelationsLopez, P. David
Rutgers Law SchoolMarch, Peter
Department of Mathematics, School of Arts and SciencesMarsh, Margaret
Department of History, Faculty of Arts and Sciences–CamdenMcCormick, Richard L.
President Emeritus, Rutgers University
Department of History, School of Arts and SciencesMolloy, Christopher J.
Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Ernest Mario School of PharmacyPalis, Michael A.
Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Arts and Sciences–CamdenSamuels, Norman
Department of Political Science, School of Arts and Sciences–NewarkShafer, Glenn
Department of Accounting and Information Systems, Rutgers Business School–Newark and New BrunswickSolomon, Rayman
Rutgers Law SchoolStrom, Brian L.
Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences