Do You Have General Rutgers University Information or Admissions Questions?
Student Information
- Contact the Office of the Registrar for assistance in obtaining transcripts. For your information, the registrar’s transcript e-mail is: trnscrpt@registrar.rutgers.edu and nb-help@registrar.rutgers.edu
- Contact the Office of the Registrar online or by calling 848-445-7000
Contact Career Services: https://careers.rutgers.edu/.
Contact: https://success.rutgers.edu/
Requests for enrollment/degree verification may be submitted to the University Registrar at https://scarlethub.rutgers.edu/registrar/academics-and-records/instant-enrollment-verification.
The registrar’s enrollment/degree verification email is verific@registrar.rutgers.edu
Faculty and Staff
Contact Rutgers University Human Resources: https://uhr.rutgers.edu/uhrunits-offices/operations/employment-verification