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Board of Governors Professorships

Board of Governors Professorships are awarded to individuals whose aggregate academic accomplishments are recognized nationally and globally as being exceptionally outstanding and at a level surpassing the extremely high standards of distinction expected of faculty members who have earned Distinguished Professor (Professor II) designations at the university. By virtue of their exceptionality, these professorships exemplify over the span of a year or multiple years the single or handful of the most celebrated and decorated academic scholars at Rutgers. Nominations should be linked to a series of transformative accomplishments and honors that transcend singular professional or academic disciplinary honors. 

The primary benefit of the professorship is the honor that is associated with this title, considered to be among the highest recognition given to faculty at Rutgers. There is no monetary award associated directly with the title per se, however, this recognition is a significant sign of the prestige and status that the institution and the academic schools are conferring on the candidate. 

Unlike endowed chairs, Board of Governors Professorships are not permanent positions. Instead, they are linked to a specific distinguished individual member of the faculty. Upon the faculty member’s retirement or departure, the specific Board of Governors Professorship ceases to exist. 

Accordion Content

  • The process for approval for Board of Governors Professorships is a multi-step process.

    • The dean, after consultation with the department chair or unit director, will discuss the feasibility of the specific candidacy with their provost and chancellor. If there is uniform agreement that consideration of a Board of Governors Professorship is strongly justified, the dean will forward a Letter of Intent (LOI) to the Office of the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs (Attn: Dr. Angela Mullis, with the candidate’s CV, a letter of support from the department chair, and a memo from the chancellor/provost/dean confirming their support. The LOI is only the first step, which may not lead to further advancement to a full nomination unless the case has potential to rise up to being exceptionally competitive institution-wide given the stringent criteria and the exceedingly limited conferment of this title. 

    • The president and EVPAA will review the nominations and advance to the next stage those candidates that meet the extremely high standards for the professorship. They may endorse additional nominees at their discretion. Selected nominations will be forwarded to a committee of sitting Board of Governors Professors, who will review, vote (positive/negative), and rank the candidates. 
    • The Office of the EVPAA reserves the right to solicit external letters if the need arises for more information. Should the Board of Governors Professor review committee deem the packet competitive, the EVPAA will submit a written recommendation to the President whose endorsement will enable the case to be referred to the Board of Governors’ Committee on Academic and Student Affairs for formal consideration.
    • The deadline for initial LOI nominations will typically be September 15 of each year. Candidates that receive a positive review at all levels and advance will be presented to the Board of Governors for their approval at the June board meeting for each year. 

    Questions? Email
    Office of the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs

Accordion Content

  • Andrei, Eva
    Department of Physics and Astronomy, School of Arts and Sciences

    Arnold, Edward
    Center for Advanced Biotechnology & Medicine, Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences

    Barnett, William S
    Department of Educational Theory Policy & Administration, Graduate School of Education

    Bordo, Michael D.
    Department of Economics, School of Arts and Sciences

    Carman, George M.
    Department of Physics and Astronomy, School of Environmental and Biological Sciences

    Carrier, Michael
    Rutgers Law School

    Cheong, Sang-Wook
    Department of Physics & Astronomy, School of Arts and Sciences

    Crystal, Stephen
    Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Rutgers Institute for Health, Health Care Policy and Aging Policy

    Ebright, Richard H
    Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Waksman Institute of Microbiology

    Falkowski, Paul
    Department of Geological Sciences, School of Environmental and Biological Sciences

    Francione, Gary L.
    Rutgers Law School

    Glenn, Scott M.
    Department of Marine and Coastal Sciences, School of Environmental and Biological Sciences

    Greenblatt, Martha
    Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, School of Arts and Sciences

    Hadas, Rachel
    Department of English, School of Arts and Sciences

    Jaluria, Yogesh
    Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, School of Engineering

    Kotliar, B. Gabriel
    Department of Physics and Astronomy, School of Arts and Sciences

    Kulikowski, Casimir
    Department of Computer Science, School of Arts and Sciences

    Lears, T.J. Jackson
    Department of History, School of Arts and Sciences

    Lepore, Ernest
    Department of Philosophy, School of Arts and Sciences

    Leslie, Alan
    Department of Psychology, School of Arts and Sciences

    Levy, Jack S.
    Department of Political Science, School of Arts and Sciences

    Li, Jing
    Department of Chemistry & Chemical Biology, School of Arts and Sciences

    Masur, Louis P.
    Department of American Studies and History, School of Arts and Sciences

    McCormick, Richard L. 
    President Emeritus, Rutgers University 
    Department of History, School of Arts and Sciences

    Metaxas, Dimitris
    Department of Computer Science, School of Arts and Sciences

    Moore, Gregory W.
    Department of Physics, School of Arts and Sciences

    Patterson, Dennis M.
    Rutgers Law School

    Rabe, Karin
    Professor of Physics, Department of Physics, School of Arts and Sciences

    Riccucci, Norma
    School of Public Affairs and Administration

    Ruszczyński, Andrzej
    Department of Management Science and Information Systems, Rutgers Business School–Newark and New Brunswick

    Sarkar, Dipak
    Department of Animal Sciences, School of Environmental and Biological Sciences

    Shafer, Glenn
    Department of Accounting and Information Systems, Rutgers Business School

    Sosa, Ernest
    Department of Philosophy, School of Arts and Sciences

    Stich, Stephen P.
    Department of Philosophy, School of Arts and Sciences

    Tepper, James
    Center for Molecular and Behavioral Neurosciences

    Thomas, George
    Rutgers Law School

    Townsend, Camilla
    Department of History, School of Arts and Sciences

    Vanderbilt, David
    Department of Physics and Astronomy, School of Arts and Sciences

    Vogelius, Michael
    Department of Mathematics, School of Arts and Sciences

    White, Deborah Gray
    Department of History, School of Arts and Sciences

    White, Eileen
    Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, School of Arts and Sciences

    Young, Lily 
    Department of Environmental Sciences, School of Environmental and Biological Sciences

    Zeilberger, Doron
    Department of Mathematics, School of Arts and Sciences

    Zerubavel, Eviatar
    Department of Sociology, School of Arts and Sciences