Create or Renew Domestic Academic Partnership Agreements
The Office of Academic Assessment and Accreditation, within the Office of the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs, works with faculty and staff seeking to develop academic partnership agreements with education institutions and other organizations throughout the State of New Jersey and the United States.
Rutgers has developed the following guidelines, tools, and resources to assist with the creation and administration of these agreements.
New Partnership Guidelines
A six-step process to help simplify and clarify the steps that need to be taken to develop a new agreement.
An estimated timeline for faculty coordinators and partners to prepare domestic partnership agreement proposals or renewals, to capture pertinent information regarding potential partnerships, and ensure approval from relevant academic leadership has been confirmed.
Agreement templates
It is important to note that not all activities that take place in conjunction with a domestic partner require the development of a formal agreement. Please see “Agreement Types and Templates” for more information.

If you have a question, contact the Office of Academic Assessment and Accreditation (OAAA).