Lecturer Support
Advancement Opportunities
In 2019, Rutgers University implemented a promotion process for Lecturers. Eligible part-time faculty may apply for advancement to the rank of Lecturer II and Lecturer III. Successful applicants receive a 10 percent salary increase at each rank, plus other benefits. Applications for advancement are accepted each fall and spring.
Teaching Portfolios are key to the advancement process, and lecturers are encouraged to attend Teaching Portfolio workshops early in their careers. To assist lecturers in developing a dynamic Teaching Portfolio, the university’s Office of Teaching Evaluation and Assessment Research hosts interactive workshops each semester. These sessions combine practical tips with portfolio critiques, offering clarity on the process and an outline of materials needed.

Professional Development Fund
Funds for lecturers are available for research, conference expenses, workshops, and specific classroom materials. Applications are accepted each fall, and awards are announced each spring.
In 2022, nearly 80 lecturers received Professional Development Fund awards, and funding totaled more than $100,635. Awards are funded by the Office of the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs.
Details for this annual award program are announced each fall.