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University Academic Affairs

Academic Strategy Roundtable

The Academic Strategy Roundtable consists of academic administrative leadership from the Office of Academic Affairs, Rutgers-Camden, Rutgers-New Brunswick, Rutgers-Newark, and Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences (RBHS). It serves to promote collaboration across Rutgers campuses and chancellor-led units. The Office of Academic Affairs actively convenes the roundtable to determine mutual areas of interest and strength to advance the academic mission of the university. Members of the roundtable identify strategic opportunities for cross-campus partnerships and provide implementation leadership on their respective campuses.

Academic Strategy Roundtable Members 

Prabhas Moghe
Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs
Central Administration

Jeffrey Carson
Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences

Patricia Fitzgerald-Bocarsly
Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences

John Gunkel
Vice Chancellor for Academic Programs and Strategic Partnerships
Rutgers University–Newark

Carolyn Moehling
Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education
Rutgers University–New Brunswick

Meredith Mullane
Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences

Angela Mullis
Associate Vice President for Faculty Affairs
Office of the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs
Central Administration

Kim O'Halloran
Vice President for Academic Planning and Administration & Chief of Staff
Office of the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs
Central Administration

Bishr Omary
Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs & Research
Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences

Sandra Richtermeyer
Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
Rutgers University–Camden

Saundra Tomlinson-Clarke
Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
Rutgers University–New Brunswick

Henry Turner
Vice President for Academic Initiatives
Office of the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs
Central Administration

Bonita Veysey
Interim Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor
School of Criminal Justice
Rutgers University–Newark

Kathy Zimmerman
Associate Vice President of Strategic and Emergent Academic Initiatives
Office of the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs
Central Administration


Joann Segarra
Senior Executive Associate
Office of the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs
Central Administration