Working Group for Standard V: Educational Effectiveness Assessment
The members of the Working Group for Standard V: Educational Effectiveness Assessment focus on our assessment of student learning and achievement, and how this demonstrates that our students have accomplished educational goals consistent with their program of study, degree level, our mission, and appropriate expectations for institutions of higher education.
Jeffrey DiGiovanni
Dean, School of Health Professions
Carolyn Moehling
Senior Vice Provost and Vice Chancellor for Undergraduate Education, Rutgers University–New Brunswick
Committee Members
Margaret Avallone
Clinical Associate Professor, former Associate Dean Baccalaureate Programs, School of Nursing–Camden
Chris Drue
Associate Director for Teaching Evaluation Office of Teaching Evaluation and Assessment Research, University Academic Affairs
Drew Gitomer
Rose & Nicholas DeMarzo Chair in Education Learning & Teaching, Graduate School of Education
David Goldman
Director of Teaching, Learning, and Assessment, Office of Undergraduate Education, School of Arts and Sciences
Kerry Hennessy
Research Specialist for Assessment & Accreditation, School of Social Work
Jason James
Director of Operations for Student Success, Rutgers University–Camden
Arturo Osorio
Rutgers Business School–Newark and New Brunswick Faculty Senator, and Co-Chair University Senate Faculty and Personnel Action Committee
Jia Ren
Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs and Assessment, Rutgers Business School–Newark and New Brunswick
Sharon Stoerger
Assistant Dean for Programs and Assessment, School of Communication and Information
Self-Study at a Glance

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