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University Academic Affairs

Steering Committee

The Steering Committee will lead the Middle States Commission on Higher Education Self-Study process by providing pivotal guidance and broad oversight, ensuring a successful reaccreditation.  


Kim O'Halloran
Vice President for Academic Planning and Administration and Chief of Staff for the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs

Michele Moser Deegan
Associate Vice President for Academic Assessment and Accreditation, University Academic Affairs, MSCHE Academic Liaison Officer


Committee Members

Brian Ballentine (Ex-Officio)
Senior Vice President for Strategy and Chief of Staff for the President

Anna Branch (Ex-Officio)
Senior Vice President for Equity and Professor of Sociology, School of Arts and Sciences

Kimberly Manning (Ex-Officio)
Vice President, University Communications and Marketing 

Prabhas Moghe (Ex-Officio)
Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs 

Eduardo Molina (Ex-Officio)
Vice President for Institutional Research and Decision Support 

Jeffrey DiGiovanni
Dean, School of Health Professions

Aaron Gibbs
Associate Dean for Student and Academic Services, School of Public Affairs and Administration

Ann Gould
Dean of Academic Programs, School of Environmental and Biological Sciences, Prior MSCHE Steering Committee Co-Chair

J. Michael Gower
Executive Vice President - Chief Financial Officer & University Treasurer

John Gunkel
Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic Programs and Strategic Partnerships, Rutgers University–Newark

Taja-Nia Henderson
Dean of Graduate School–Newark, Professor of Law, Rutgers Law School

Rachael Honig
Vice President, Chief University Compliance Officer

Regina Koury
Associate University Librarian, Rutgers University–Camden

Susan Lawrence
Vice Dean for Undergraduate Education and Professor of Political Science, School of Arts and Sciences

Carolyn Moehling
Senior Vice Provost and Vice Chancellor for Undergraduate Education, Rutgers University–New Brunswick

Meredith Mullane
Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences

Anne Newman
Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Dean of Students, Rutgers University–New Brunswick, and Faculty member, Graduate School of Education

Christopher Retzko
Director of Academic Assessment and Accreditation, University Academic Affairs

Sandra Richtermeyer
Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Provost, Rutgers University–Camden

David Shreiber
Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, Rutgers University–New Brunswick, and Professor of Biomedical Engineering, School of Engineering

Adrienne Simonds
Assistant Professor, Rehabilitation and Movement Sciences, School of Health Professions, Assistant Professor, Obstetrics, Gynecology & Reproductive Sciences, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, and Immediate Past Chair, Rutgers University Senate

Bianca Thompson-Owen
Associate Dean for Enrollment Management, School of Health Professions

Henry Turner
Vice President for Academic Initiatives, University Academic Affairs