Leadership Evaluation
Periodic evaluation of senior leadership is a core component of the continuous improvement process at Rutgers. Chancellor and Decanal review processes were formulated through a series of iterations from the Rutgers University Senate and the president of the university.
Evaluation of Chancellors
The process for evaluating chancellors, developed through multiple iterations by the Rutgers University Senate and the University President, applies to the chancellors of Rutgers University–Camden, Rutgers University–Newark, Rutgers University–New Brunswick, and Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences. Each chancellor is normally evaluated by their faculty, staff, and students in the unit every five years.

Evaluation of Academic Deans
The process for evaluating academic deans, developed through multiple iterations by the Rutgers University Senate and the University President, applies to the deans of all academic units within the university. Each dean is normally evaluated by faculty, staff, and students in the unit every five years.

If you have a question, contact the Office of Academic Assessment and Accreditation (OAAA).