Academic Program Review
Each chancellor-led unit (CLU) has developed a procedure or policy that articulates the assessment process, with the goal of continuous improvement, which is guided by the Rutgers University Framework for Continuous Improvement. Such procedures or policies are subject to approval by the executive vice president for academic affairs. The intent is to ensure that each CLU has sufficient latitude to define a continuous improvement process appropriate to its mission and to document evidence of assessment and continuous improvement to the Middle State Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE).
Rutgers University–Camden
Rutgers–Camden is located in southern New Jersey, just across the Delaware River from Philadelphia, PA. Founded in 1926 as the South Jersey Law School and the College of South Jersey, today there are 4 colleges and schools, nestled on one 32-acre bucolic campus.Rutgers–Camden is located in southern New Jersey, just across the Delaware River from Philadelphia, PA. Founded in 1926 as the South Jersey Law School and the College of South Jersey, today there are 4 colleges and schools, nestled on one 32-acre bucolic campus.

Rutgers University–Newark
Rutgers–Newark is located in northern New Jersey, in the state’s most populous city. Founded in 1908, with the opening of the New Jersey Law School, the campus quickly evolved through mergers with four other institutions and then with Rutgers University in 1946. Today, Rutgers University–Newark has six schools and colleges, located in 31 buildings on 38 acres.

Rutgers University–New Brunswick
Rutgers–New Brunswick is located in the center of New Jersey and is the home of our original charter as Queen’s College, founded in 1766, as a private institution with Dutch theological roots. Today, Rutgers University–New Brunswick boasts 11 colleges and schools across 5 campuses.

Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences
Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences (RBHS), also known as “Rutgers Health,” is a collection of 8 schools and colleges, located on all of the Rutgers University campuses, devoted to medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, public health, nursing, advanced sciences, and the entire gamut of allied careers. Formulated in 2013 through the integration of schools from the former University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey into Rutgers University, today RBHS has forged deep