Universitywide and Specialized Accreditations
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE), a voluntary, nongovernmental peer-based membership association dedicated to promoting standards of excellence and improvement in higher education. Accreditation through MSCHE assures current and prospectives students, and our alumni of the high level and enduring quality of a Rutgers education. It helps those that support our students during their studies to be confident in their student’s choice to attend Rutgers, and validates the confidence of employers in hiring Rutgers graduates. For our schools and colleges that have additional outside accreditation, these organizations look first to the MSCHE accreditation of the entire university in their own accreditation considerations. Lastly, and certainly not least, accreditation enables our students to enjoy educational funding opportunities, including scholarships, grants, and loans.
Rutgers University was initially accredited by MSCHE in 1921 and was most recently reaccredited in 2018. The next accreditation site visit will occur in the early spring of 2027, and the university is currently involved in the Self-Study process in preparation for the visit and reaccreditation consideration. Following this, the university will next be considered for reaccreditation in 2035.
Universitywide Accreditation
The 2027 MSCHE Self-Study process, which is required for reaccreditation extends from fall 2024 through our site visit in spring 2027. The Self-Study report will focus on seven Standards for Accreditation and Requirements of Affiliation, and will be undertaken by a large committee of over 100 members of the Rutgers community, including faculty, staff, students, members of our governing boards, and alumni. Once the draft of the Self-Study Report has been completed, we will be asking all current members of the Rutgers community to review it and provide feedback, as we prepare to submit the report by the end of 2026. This space provides information on the Self-Study process and how the RU community can engage in the university's reaccreditation.

Specialized Accreditation Programs
Beyond the Middle States Commission on Higher Education accreditation for the entire university, many schools, colleges, and programs at Rutgers are accredited by additional organizations to verify their successful completion of a rigorous review and evaluation process by experts in that particular field. These specialized accreditations assure that the quality of teaching, student achievement, curricula, academic support, and other criteria meet certain standards of excellence and quality.

If you have question, visit our accreditation FAQ or contact the Office of Academic Assessment and Accreditation (OAAA).