Explore Rutgers Research Centers and Institutes
Research Centers and Institutes are vibrant and highly productive components of the university community, with greater flexibility and opportunity to adapt to economic and academic competitive pressures, and are located at the Board of Governors, Presidential, Chancellor, Senior/Executive Vice Presidential, School/College, and Departmental levels of Rutgers. They create a venue for faculty to come together to solve a common goal. Additional opportunities for joint projects and funding are created as investigators interact.Additional information on individual centers and institutes can be found on the following chancellor-led unit pages, Camden, Newark, New Brunswick, and Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences.
For more information about this page, contact the Office of Academic Assessment and Accreditation.
Learn more about research at Rutgers or to seek research support services at the Office for Research website,
Presidential-Level Research Centers and Institutes
- Quantitative Biomedicine, Institute for
- Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey
- Study of Global Racial Justice, Institute for the
Chancellor-Level Research Centers and Institutes
Rutgers–Camden | Rutgers–Newark | Rutgers–New Brunswick | Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences
- Community Leadership, Center for
- Computational and Integrative Biology, Center for
- Corporate Law and Governance, Center for
- Digital Studies Center (DiSC)
- Government Compliance and Ethics, Center for
- Information Policy & Law, Institute for
- Law and Philosophy, Institute for
- Mid-Atlantic Research Center for the Humanities
- Rutgers Center for Risk and Responsibility
- Walter Rand Institute for Public Affairs, The Senator
- Urban Research and Education, Center for
- Applied Appreciative Inquiry, Center for
- Blanche and Irwin Lerner Center for the Study of Pharmaceutical Management Issues
- Business of Fashion, Center for
- Camões Institute, Center for Portuguese Language
- Clement A. Price Institute for Ethnicity, Culture, and the Modern Experience
- Collaborative for Technology Entrepreneurship and Commercialization, The
- Data, Research, and Innovation Science, Institute for
- Ethical Leadership, Institute for
- Experimental and Behavioral Public Administration (CEBPA), Center for
- Gender, Sexuality, Law and Policy, Center for
- Government Accounting Education & Research, Center for
- Health Equity and Community Engagement (CHECE), Center for
- Humanities Action Lab
- Immigrant Justice, Center for
- Information Management, Integration, and Connectivity, Center for
- Institutional Governance, Center for
- Jazz Studies, Institute of
- Joseph C. Cornwall Center for Metropolitan Studies
- Law Inequality, and Metropolitan Equity, Center on
- Market Advantage, Center for
- Marketing Research, Center for
- Migration and the Global City, Center for
- Molecular and Behavioral Neuroscience, Center for
- Newark Public Safety Collaborative
- New Jersey Scholarship and Transformative Education in Prisons (NJ-STEP)
- New Jersey Small Business Development Center
- Professional Education, Institute for
- Real Estate, Center for
- Research in Regulated Industries, Center for
- Rutgers Accounting Research Center/ Continuous Auditing & Reporting Lab
- Rutgers Advanced Institute for the Study of Entrepreneurship and Development (RAISED)
- Rutgers Center for Information Assurance
- Rutgers Center on Public Security
- Rutgers Center for Operations Research
- Rutgers Criminal and Youth Justice Clinic
- Rutgers Financial Institutions Center
- Rutgers Institute for Corporate Social Innovation
- Rutgers Institute for Data Science, Learning, and Applications
- Rutgers University Brain Imaging Center (RUBIC)
- Security, Race, and Rights, Center for
- Sheila Y. Oliver Center for Politics and Race in America
- Supply Chain Management, Center for
- Technology Management Research Center
- Translational Law, Center for
- Transparency and Governance Center
- Urban Entrepreneurship & Economic Development, The Center for
- Whitcomb Center for Research in Financial Services
New Brunswick
- Advanced Energy Systems, Center for
- Advanced Infrastructure and Transportation, Center for
- African Studies, Center for
- American Women and Politics, Center for
- Applied Psychology, Center for
- Cell and DNA Repository, Rutgers University
- Ceramic, Composite and Optical Materials Center
- Chrysler Herbarium
- Collaborative Neuroscience, The Spinal Cord Injury Project, W.M. Keck Center for
- Command, Control, and Interoperability Center for Advanced Data Analysis
- Communication & Health Issues, Center for
- Computational Biomedicine Imaging and Modeling, Center for
- Computer Science Research, Laboratory for
- Confucius Institute at Rutgers University
- Cultural Analysis, Center for
- Cultural Heritage and Preservation Studies
- Dermal Research, Center for
- Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, Center for
- Douglass Center for Developmental Disabilities
- Eagleton Center for Public Interest Polling
- Eagleton Center on the American Governor
- Eagleton Institute of Politics
- Early Education Research, National Institute for
- Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences, Institute of
- Edison Papers, Thomas A.
- Education and Employment Research Center
- Economic Behavior, Institutions and Design, Center for
- Effective School Practices, Center for
- English Institute for Teaching
- Environmental Prediction, Center for
- Equine Science Center
- European Studies, Center for
- Exercise and Aging, Center for
- Experimental Study of Politics and Psychology
- Families, Institute for
- Food, Nutrition, and Health, New Jersey Institute for
- Forest Center, Hutcheson Memorial
- Gambling Studies, Center for
- Geological Survey Core Repository, Rutgers/New Jersey
- Geology Museum
- Global Institute for BioExploration, The
- Global Work & Employment, Center for
- Heldrich Center for Workforce Development, John J.
- Human Evolutionary Studies (CHES), Center for
- Human Genetics Institute of New Jersey
- IFNH Center for Childhood Nutrition Education & Research
- IFNH Center for Human Nutrition, Exercise, and Metabolism (NeXT)
- IFNH Center for Nutrition, Microbiome Health
- Innovation in Worker Organization, Center for
- International Scholarship in School Libraries, Center for
- Jewish Life, Allen and Joan Bildner Center for the Study of
- Latin American Studies, Center for
- Leadership and Management, Center for
- Learning, Robert B. Davis Institute for
- Literacy Development, Center for
- Mass Spectrometry Facility
- Materials Theory, Center for
- Mathematical Sciences Research, Center for
- Media, Inequality and Change Center
- Middle Eastern Studies, Center for
- Modern Greek Studies Program
- New High Energy Theory Center
- New Jersey Center for Civic Education
- NJ/NY Center for Employee Ownership
- Nonlinear Analysis, Center for
- NSF University-Industry Center: Center for Accelerated Real-Time Analytics (CARTA)
- Ocean Observing Leadership, Center for
- Philosophy Diversity Institute
- Plangere Writing Center
- Prevention Science, Center for
- Quantitative Biology, Center for
- Ralph W. Voorhees Center for Civic Engagement,
- Remote Sensing and Spatial Analysis, Center for
- Research on Women, Institute for
- Rutgers Advanced Institute for Critical Caribbean Studies
- Rutgers British Studies Center
- Rutgers Center for Adult Autism Services
- Rutgers Center for Chinese Studies
- Rutgers Center for Cognitive Science
- Rutgers Center for Emergent Materials
- Rutgers Center for Historical Analysis
- Rutgers Center for IFNH Lipid Research
- Rutgers Center for Minority Serving Institutions
- Rutgers Center for the Philosophy of Religion
- Rutgers Center for Turfgrass Science
- Rutgers Center of Alcohol & Substance Use Studies
- Rutgers Climate Institute
- Rutgers Documentary Film Lab
- Rutgers Ecological Preserve
- Rutgers Energy Institute
- Rutgers English Diversity Institute
- Rutgers English Language Institute
- Rutgers Gardens
- Rutgers Oral History Archives
- Rutgers Print Studio
- Samuel D. Proctor Institute for Leadership, Equity, and Justice
- South Asian Studies Program
- Structured Organic Particulate Systems, Engineering, Research Center for
- Study of Collaboration in Work and Society, Center for
- Study of Employee Ownership and Profit Sharing, Institute for the
- Surface Modification, Laboratory for
- Surface Modification, Laboratory for
- Survey Research, Bloustein Center for
- Transportation Center, Alan M. Voorhees
- Urban Environmental Sustainability, Center for
- Urban Policy Research, Center for
- Vector Biology, Center for
- Violence Against Women and Children, Center on
- Waksman Institute of Microbiology
- Wireless Information Network Laboratory (WINLAB)
- Women and Work, Center for
- Women's Global Leadership, Center for
- Women's Leadership, Institute for
- World Languages Institute, Rutgers University
- Youth Political Participation, Center for
- Youth Sports Research Council
Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences
- Advanced Biotechnology and Medicine (CABM), Center for
- Brain Health Institute
- Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences Institute
- Health, Health Care Policy and Aging Research, Institute for
- Infectious and Inflammatory Diseases (i3D), Institute for
- Nicotine and Tobacco Studies, Institute for
- Pharmacoepidemiology and Treatment Sciences, Center for
- Population-Level Bioethics, Center for
- Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey
- Rutgers Global Health Institute
- Rutgers Institute for Translational Medicine and Science
- University Behavioral Health Care

For more information about this page, contact the Office of Academic Assessment and Accreditation (OAAA), or the Office for Research for all other questions.