Continuous Improvement in Academic Affairs
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, is committed to continuous improvement in academic affairs in order to link periodic review and annual assessment to the broader strategic goals of the academic unit, campus, and/or university and to evaluate the budgetary resources necessary to achieve such goals.
Assessment Efforts
The university engages in multiple assessment efforts to promote continuous improvement.
Examples include:
- Periodic review of the institution and select academic units through institutional accreditation and specialized accreditation
- Leadership reviews, including the Process for the Evaluation of Chancellors and the Process for the Evaluation of Academic Deans
- Continuous improvement framework and academic program review.
- Reviews of centers and institutes (Policy 10.1.5). The policy is informed by the “Guidelines for Center and Institute Proposals and Periodic Progress Reports and Procedures for their Submission.”
- Regularized assessment of student learning outcomes (SLOs) and student support services through the Assessment Council on Learning Outcomes (ACLO) and the Assessment Council on the Student Experience (ACSE).

Continuous Improvement Framework and Academic Program Review
University Academic Affairs oversees the Rutgers University Framework for Continuous Improvement. This framework guides the approach to continuous improvement and program review across the university.
Each chancellor-led unit (CLU) has developed a procedure or policy that articulates the assessment process, with the goal of continuous improvement. Such procedures or policies are subject to approval by the executive vice president for academic affairs. The intent is to ensure that each CLU has sufficient latitude to define a continuous improvement process appropriate to its mission and to document evidence of assessment and continuous improvement to the Middle State Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE).
Accordion Content
Research Centers and Institutes

Rutgers University Learning Goals
Rutgers University graduates should possess the skills and knowledge to be responsible citizens and productive contributors to society in their workplaces and their intellectual, cultural, and social endeavors. Therefore the university community will work to provide the education that supports these learning goals.