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AY 2023–2024 Rutgers Research Council Awards Recipients

The Rutgers Research Council Awards offers grant opportunities to support faculty research and especially to encourage scholarship in tackling challenging disciplinary problems in the sciences, social sciences, humanities, and creative arts. Below is a list of the awards and winners for AY 2023–2024.

Individual Fulcrum Awards

The Individual Fulcrum Awards Program is tailored to individual researchers and those in the creative arts who are testing out new ideas to accelerate their scientific inquiry, program of research and scholarship, or creative production. Funding to date for the Individual Fulcrum Awards Program totals $30,750.

  • Brian Murphy
    Associate Professor, Department of History, School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers–Newark   
    Project Title: Great Falls: Water and Power in Alexander Hamilton’s City of Industry

    Scott Ordway 
    Assistant Professor, Department of Music, Mason Gross School of the Arts, Rutgers–New Brunswick 
    Project Title: Photography Exhibition: “The End of Rain”

    Xuejian Wu
    Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers–Newark 
    Project Title: Three Cold-Atom Interferometers in a Single Laser Beam

    Nir Yakoby 
    Professor, Department of Biology and Center for Computational and Integrative Biology, School of Arts and Science, Rutgers–Camden
    Project Title: The Impact of an Evolutionary Deletion of a His-rich Domain in a TGF-alpha Ligand on Signaling

    Peng Zhang    
    Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers–New Brunswick
    Project Title: Improving the Design of Randomized Controlled Trials Inspired by Algorithmic Discrepancy Theory: More Simple and Practical

Research on Social and Racial Justice Awards 

The Research on Social and Racial Justice Awards Program, inspired by President Holloway’s Equity Report and the University’s commitment to fostering excellence in and as a beloved community, supports academic research on racial and social justice in all domains of intellectual, social, artistic, and environmental life. Funding to date for the Research on Social and Racial Justice Awards Program totals $65,700.

  • Colleen Berryessa  
    Assistant Professor, School of Criminal Justice, Rutgers–Newark    
    Project Title: Judicial “Remorse Bias” and the Effects of Social Cognition in Perpetuating Sentencing Inequalities for Racially and Socially Marginalized Defendants

    Kendra Boyd    
    Assistant Professor, History, School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers–Camden
    Project Title: Recovering Black Bottom: Mapping Black Business Loss Caused by Urban Redevelopment in Detroit, MI

    Caroline Harmon-Darrow  
    Assistant Professor, School of Social Works, Rutgers–New Brunswick   
    Project Title: Police Diversion at Arrest: The National Landscape

    Keith Green
    Associate Professor, Department of English and Communication, School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers–Camden
    Project Title: “Saved but Enslaved: Hannah Hovey, Briton Hammon, and the Earliest Black and Indigenous Members of Plymouth’s First Church, 1708–1783”

    David Greenberg 
    Professor, Department of History and Journalism, School of Communication and Information, Rutgers–New Brunswick    
    Project Title: John Lewis: From Protest to Politics

    Luis Rivera  
    Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers–Newark
    Project Title: The Role of Colonialism in Puerto Ricans’ Implicit and Explicit Racial Identities and Stereotypes


Collaborative Multidisciplinary Awards 

The Collaborative Multidisciplinary Awards Program offers the opportunity for a group of faculty members across disciplines to work together on a new, shared problem or line of research. Since complex intellectual and social problems often require multiple perspectives and viewpoints to solve them, the program is designed to foster and reward creative and collaborative interdisciplinary work. Funding to date for the Collaborative Multidisciplinary Awards Program totals $91,128.

  • Vivien (Wen Li) Anthony Wen
    Associate Professor, School of Social Work, Rutgers–New Brunswick

    Meghan Deshais- Collaborator
    Assistant Professor at the Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology, Rutgers–New Brunswick

    Sunyoung Kim- Collaborator
    Assistant Professor, Department of Library and Information ScienceSchool of Communication and Information, Rutgers–New Brunswick

  • Kim Butler
    Associate Professor, Africana Studies, School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers–New Brunswick

    Akissi Britton- Collaborator
    Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology and Africana Studies, School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers–New Brunswick

    Shantee Rosado- Collaborator
    Assistant Professor, Department of Africana Studies and Latino and Caribbean Studies, School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers–New Brunswick

Subvention Award for the Publication of Scholarly Books

The Subvention Program for the Publication of Scholarly Books provides partial subsidies to university and other highly regarded scholarly presses to cover a portion of the cost of publishing a scholarly book. Funding to date for the Subvention Program for the Publication of Scholarly Books totals $9,000.

  • Ellen Ledoux
    Associate Professor, Department of English and Communication, Rutgers–Camden
    Project Title: Laboring Mothers: Reproducing Women and Work in the Eighteenth Century

    Ileana Naschescu
    Assistant Teaching Professor, Department of Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
    Project Title: The National Alliance of Black Feminists: A History, School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers–New Brunswick

    Tatiana Seijas
    Associate Professor, Department of History, School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers–New Brunswick
    Project Title: Global Mexico City in the Seventeenth Century

Manuscript Review Awards

The Manuscript Review Award is designed to help faculty members publish authoritative, thought-provoking, field-changing books. The award reinforces the university’s commitment to research and scholarship. Awards include a formal manuscript review plus a three-hour workshop / seminar led by an external senior scholar. This year, funding for the Manuscript Review Awards totals $12,000.

  • Zeynep Gursel
    Associate Professor, Department Of Anthropology, School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers–New Brunswick
    Book Title: Portraits Of Unbelonging: Photography, The Ottoman State, and The Making Of Armenian Emigrants, 18961908

    Youngrim Kim
    Assistant Professor, Department of Communication, School of Communication and Information Sciences, Rutgers–New Brunswick
    Book Title: Databasing Latent Bodies: Disease Surveillance, Data Publics, and Coded Injustice in South Korea

    Elaine Lafay
    Assistant Professor, Rutgers Climate Institute, Rutgers–New Brunswick
    Book Title: At the Tropics’ Brink: Climates of Disease and Empire in the Nineteenth-Century U.S. South


Engaged Climate Action Award

The Engaged Climate Action Award is designed to support faculty whose work addresses the global climate crisis and its solutions at a variety of scales. This year, funding for the Engaged Climate Action Award totals  $20,000.

  • Debashish Bhattacharya  
    Distinguished Professor,  Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology, School of Environmental and Biological Sciences, Rutgers–New Brunswick    
    Project Title: Dysregulation of Coral Mass Spawning Due to Climate Change

    Roger Wang  
    Assistant Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, School of Engineering, Rutgers–New Brunswick      
    Project Title: Physics-informed and AI-supported Methane Point-source Identification (PAMPI)