Suspend Admissions to an Academic Degree Program
This process is to suspend admissions to an existing academic degree program.
Key Steps and Required Approvals
- Initial Approval by Chancellor-led Unit (CLU): The academic unit must secure initial approval from their CLU. Contact your Provost’s Office for guidance.
- Complete and Submit the Request Form to Suspend Admissions to an Academic Degree Program to your Provost’s Office for final approval before submitting it to the Office of Academic Planning.
- University Level Review and Approval
- Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs
Upon final approval, the Office of Academic Planning staff will notify relevant institutional stakeholders of the outcome.
Required Forms
Proposing academic units must use the institutional request form for this type of change to an existing program. Academic units should carefully review the request form and direct questions regarding the universitywide process to If you have questions regarding the initial approval process at your local level, contact your Provost's Office.

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