Develop a New Stand-Alone Certificate Program
Stand-Alone certificate programs (in-person or online) are certificates that may be earned and awarded outside of a degree program.
Rutgers University relies on several guiding principles in the development of new academic programs. We encourage all to review this document prior to developing any program and reaching out to your Provost to discuss any potential overlap and opportunities for collaboration across the institution.
Online Programs
We are all committed to high-quality online programs, and we have expertise in the Office of University Online Education Services (UOES) who can assist you in meeting that goal. If units are proposing an online academic program, they are encouraged to reach out to UOES for consultation and guidance at More detailed information about the different forms of modality can be found on the Academic Program and Organization Approvals FAQ webpage.
Federal Gainful Employment Requirements
Early in the process for a proposed stand-alone certificate, the individual preparing the proposal should contact Robert Fahy (Associate Vice President - Interim), for a pre-review to receive notification and guidance concerning current federal Gainful Employment requirements.
Key Steps and Required Approvals
- Initial Approval by Chancellor-led Unit (CLU): The academic unit must secure initial approval from their CLU. Contact your Provost's Office for guidance.
- Notice of Intent (NOI): The proposing CLU completes an NOI, and it is sent to all CLUs via the NOI System.
- Complete and Submit the Request Form to Create a Stand-Alone Certificate Program to your Provost’s Office for final approval before submitting it to the Office of Academic Planning.
- University Level Review and Approval
Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs
Board of Governors Committee on Academic and Student Affairs (Information Item)
Board of Governors (Information Item)
Middle States Commission on Higher Education, if necessary
Upon final approval, the Office of Academic Planning staff will notify relevant institutional stakeholders of the outcome. Academic Planning will manage the registration of the certificate program in the Office of the Secretary of Higher Education’s “Inventory of Program Offerings.”
Required Forms
Proposing academic units must use the institutional Request Form to Create a Stand-Alone Certificate Program. Academic units should carefully review the request form and direct questions regarding the universitywide process to If you have questions regarding the initial approval process at your local level, contact your Provost's Office.
Additional Support
If you need help with the initial program approval process at your local level, contact your Provost's Office.
For questions about the university level process, contact as early as possible to discuss proposal development, review, and universitywide approval requirements. The Office of Academic Planning will advise and coordinate with the appropriate chancellor-led unit contacts to effectively manage the universitywide review of the proposed program.
The Office of University Academic Affairs offers a Program Benchmarking Service which provides competitive market analysis and labor market analysis. To learn more about this service, please visit the Program Benchmarking Service webpage or contact

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