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A group of diverse faculty and staff sitting around a round table at an RCN workshop

RCN Faculty Mentoring Program Activities

2023-24 Rutgers Connection Network (RCN) Faculty Mentoring Program

Our Program Schedule

Monthly Mentoring Meetings
October 2023 – May 2024: 1-hour Meetings with Partner(s)
Pairs meet virtually, once monthly, when convenient for them.

calendar book showing a month of planning concept against a yellow background

Our faculty benefits from monthly mentoring meetings and opportunities to enhance their skills and network.

    • Establish ground rules and expectations for participation in the program and the yearlong mentoring partnership
    • Introduce process to identify and clarify goals for the year
    • Share key concepts and strategies that support an effective and collaborative mentoring experience
    • Participate in a breakout room session with your assigned mentoring partner(s) to establish an initial connection
    DISC Workshop


Monthly Activities

(October 2023 – May 2024)

Accordion Content

    • Meet monthly to discuss and plan for progress toward goals
    • Give/receive regular encouragement and accountability
    • Benefit from a safe and outside perspective
    1. Get Recognized: Strategies for Self-Promotion Workshop (virtual)
    2. Making Mentoring Count: Informal Panel Discussion with MEC (virtual)
    3. FDC Spring Networking Event (in-person)
    4. Mitigating Unconscious Bias & Inclusive Mentoring (virtual)
    5. Wellness in Mentoring (virtual)
    6. FDC Cohorts Recognition Ceremony (in-person)
    • Complete a check-in survey in January and the option to receive follow-up from a member of the Mentoring Executive Committee.
    • Purpose of the survey: to make sure mentoring partnership is on track, goals are being met, and any issues addressed.
    • Certificates of completion are distributed at the recognition ceremony
    • Final mentoring meeting is completed
    • Program survey distributed